📄️ Project Structure
In this tutorial, we'll discuss the structure of a project on Code Canvas and how to receive a seed.
📄️ Capture Modes
When submitting generative art to Code Canvas, it is important to understand the different capture modes available.
📄️ Attributes
In the world of generative art, attributes refer to the unique characteristics of an artwork that are programmatically generated using an algorithm. They can range from color schemes and patterns to more complex elements such as shape and form.
📄️ Reacting to Keypress Events
When creating generative art on Code Canvas, there are two hard requirements for any project:
📄️ Responsiveness
When creating generative art for Code Canvas, it is important to make sure that your artwork is responsive and looks
📄️ Submission
To submit your generative art project to Code Canvas, make sure to follow the guidelines provided in the documentation.